Economy, Culture and Society

Mixed Reactions Over New American Samoa Hospital Fee Increase

Mixed Reactions Over New Am. Samoa Hospital Fee Increases
Even with higher rates, service at LBJ reportedly slow

By Joyetter Feagaimaalii-Luamanu

American Samoa Shipyard Authority Plans Joint Venture with Off Island Company

The American Samoa Shipyard Services Authority is planning to go into a joint venture with an off island company once the shipyard at Satala has been fully restored to a professional standard.

GAO Releases Report on Minimum Wage Increases in American Samoa and CNMI

Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that the General Accounting Office (GAO) has released its report on American Samoa’s administration of federal grants.


Briefing Paper on Investment Guide in American Samoa

Summary of American Samoa's Economic assets and competitive advantages, as well as basic information about the island.

2012 American Samoa Community College Combined Research and Extension Plan of Work

American Samoa Community College (ASCC) Division of Community and Natural Resources (CNR) is submitting this joint Extension and Research Plan of Work Update for the period 2012-2016.
This plan focuses on the Hatch and Smith-Lever projects being implemented as a result of stakeholder and program inputs.  Consistent with NIFA priorities, CNR's "Planned Programs" are:

Pacific 2020: Challenges and Opportunities for Growth

This document assesses the economic status of the Pacific Islands and identifies opportunities for growth and development.

Pacific 2020 Background Paper: Fisheries

This document summarizes the status of the Fishing Industry in American Samoa and identifies opportunities for growth and development.


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