
2012 American Samoa Community College Combined Research and Extension Plan of Work

American Samoa Community College (ASCC) Division of Community and Natural Resources (CNR) is submitting this joint Extension and Research Plan of Work Update for the period 2012-2016.
This plan focuses on the Hatch and Smith-Lever projects being implemented as a result of stakeholder and program inputs.  Consistent with NIFA priorities, CNR's "Planned Programs" are:

Education Facility Inventory and Assessment

The Insular A, B, C’s - Phase II initiative announced by U.S. Department of the Interior, Assistant Secretary for Insular Areas, Anthony Babauta on March 17, 2011, represents a partnership between the governments of Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Office of Insular Affairs (OIA), to conduct a baseline inventory and deferred maintenance assessment of 125 public elementary, middle and high schools comprising of approximately 1,600 buildings.

Key Points

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